Your teeth can become sensitive for many reasons.
Tooth sensitivity is annoying but can also be a sign of more serious conditions. Some commons causes of
tooth sensitivity include, but are not limited to:
Over-brushing or aggressive brushing - Brushing too hard or using a brush that is not soft can cause your enamel to wear down and expose your dentin.
Gum recession/gum disease - This occurs overtime and is extremely gradual. This occurs your dentin to be exposed as your gums expose more of your teeth.
Poor oral hygiene - Not properly maintaining your teeth can lead to cavities, gum disease, tartar or plaque build up, and more.
Grinding - Bruxism, is the act of exerting pressure or grinding your teeth in your sleep or throughout the day. This physically grinds away your tooth enamel.
Medical conditions - Certain conditions like bulimia and acid reflux lead to an increase of acid in your mouth. Acid then erodes your teeth enamel and causes sensitive teeth.
Acidic food - Foods that contain acid obviously increase the acidity levels in your mouth. This increased acid will cause more enamel to erode.
Teeth whitening - A common side effect of going through a teeth whitening procedure/system is sensitive teeth. If you suspend your system or it comes to an end this sensitivity should subside.
Bad habits - Chewing on objects with your teeth or using them as a tool can wear your enamel away and cause sensitivity.
For more information or to schedule a visit to discuss your sensitive teeth contact us or call us at our Delaware, OH office, 740-363-8240. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!